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Your contribution helps fund Art League of Baytown's educational and outreach projects.

Contact Us

Have questions about us?

There are several ways to get information about Art League of Baytown events, meetings, and membership:

Call the Art Center at 281 427-2222
Visit our beautiful gallery on Texas Avenue open Thursday - Saturday from 11-5pm.
We are on facebook! Type Art League of Baytown in the search box and like us
This website is artleagueofbaytown.org. Add it to your favorites and check for new info often
Members receive a monthly e-mail newsletter through MAIL CHIMP. If you are a member and are not getting this informative newsletter, check your spam folder. If you're not getting it at all, contact us to verify that we have you on the group e-mail list. 
Most importantly, if you are receiving the Mail Chimp e-mail, PLEASE open and read it

We would love to hear from you

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