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A Tribute to Naomi Sasse
September 17, 2024
Naomi Sasse will be greatly missed in the Art League of Baytown. A Lifetime member and native Baytonian, she was indeed an asset to our organization, having been one of the main organizers of our Rising Stars Art Program for special needs adults, age 22 and up. She and Bobby Sutphin along with parents and/or relatives of special needs adults began discussing the idea in late 2010. In February 2011, Rising Stars Art Class became a reality and except during a six month period of the COVID pandemic, the class has met every Tuesday evening from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Summer break was June and July and we resumed classes in August. Without fail, almost, Naomi was in class helping with that night’s art project. She was devoted to the program and was a part of that from the very beginning. At the time Rising Stars began, Naomi was an LVN and worked as a substitute school nurse in Goose Creek schools and Sheldon schools for many, many years. Sometimes she would come to Rising Stars in her work scrubs. Nothing kept her from coming to class and helping out. She was one of our really great volunteers because she spent a lot of time in class plus doing telephone calls from home to keep parents of the Stars informed of any class changes or events coming up like our Christmas Parties or end of the year parties. Naomi made arrangements to have Santa and Easter Bunny come for pictures with the Stars. She was also active with the Christmas Gift Gallery, always having a booth space to sell her crafts and helping to staff the gallery for the duration. She was a master crafter and loved it, loved finding new craft supply places, especially big, sprawling ones. And she sold her crafts at a number of markets besides the Art League’s six-week long Gift Gallery event. She loved doing that. We extend our sincere condolences to Naomi’s daughter, Chrissy. Your Mom was one in a million and we shall miss her.